Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I believe.. draft

I believe In the power of a library. Now a days people pick up their computer for everything. We turn in our text books at school to look everything up online. We stop turning to books for a quick reference. We pick up a tablet to read instead. Books are still as powerful as ever. Someone took the time to sit down and put their thoughts and ideas on paper. So i believe that we should honor that. Books have shaped societies. Book burnings have happened all over the world. People would claim heresy, blasphemy and sedition just to stop the message that the reader was trying to say. Even though the word of mouth is powerful, the power of a book is just as great.


  1. I don't think I have ever read a This I Believe essay about the the power of a library - I am intrigued. You might check out some of Mortimer Adlers writing on books. You should be able to find his writing about being a book owner online. Let me know if you can't find it and I will track it down for you. ~Ms. A.

  2. Brittany,
    I completely agree with you! I honestly forgot how much I enjoy just sitting down and reading a book. I love the feel of the crisp pages between my fingertips as I rush to see what is on the next printed page just as much as the smell of a new book. During my first semester at OTC, we were assigned a book to read called "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children." I had been told it had a Sci-Fi feel to it and really didn't think I would like it. Truth is, I hated putting it down! A fellow student from that class that I have kept in contact with recently told me that a sequel came out! I ran out and got it the other day and look forward to reading it!

    Great post! Jennifer
